Chewing Gum Removal

Many external areas are blighted by discarded chewing gum which can be unsightly, particularly near entrances to shops, restaurants, pubs, offices and schools.

Our DOFF system tackles chewing gum efficiently and effectively. With average removal times of less than 1 second per piece we can quickly clean up areas affected by discarded chewing gum. Restoring the appearance and making the area presentable once again.

With a regular contract in place we can provide a cost effective programme of visits that will keep your outside areas gum free and appealing to visitors. We can undertake our works out of hours which has far less impact on pedestrian traffic or business trading.

Chewing gum takes up to 5 years to biodegrade!

96% of local authorities have a problem with chewing gum and of these, 41% rate it as being a ‘major problem’.

Please speak to us for a free quotation.

Block Paving Cleaning
Block Paving Cleaning